“Be pro-stuff, not just anti-stuff”

Zo luidt regel 7 uit de negen levenslessen van komiek, muzikant en acteur Tim Minchin.

“Define yourself by what you love. I found myself doing this thing a bit recently where if someone asks me what sort of music I like I say, ‘Well I don’t listen to the radio because pop song lyrics annoy me,’ or if someone asks me what food I like I say, ‘I think truffle oil is overused and slightly obnoxious.’ And I see it all the time online – people whose idea of being part of a subculture is to hate Coldplay or football or feminists or the Liberal Party.”

“We have a tendency to define ourselves in opposition to stuff. As a comedian I make my living out of it. But try to also express your passion for things you love. Be demonstrative and generous in your praise of those you admire. Send thank you cards and give standing ovations. Be pro stuff not just anti stuff.”